Comfy Thanksgiving Outfit Ideas

Thanksgiving, holidays, outfit, fashion, model, idea, inspiration, pinterest, turkey, black friday

Thanksgiving is an exactly a week and I couldn't be more excited! Also that means Black Friday is coming up and it's safe to say you can expect a Black Friday haul ;) 

It's always important to be comfy while looking cute so I thought I'd make a post of some outfits I found to give you all some outfit inspiration for Thanksgiving day!

Why I started Blogging & Why You Should

A month ago, I would've never imagined myself being a blogger, nevertheless sticking to it for more than a week and actually starting up a blog and creating social media for it- it never crossed my mind. I'd have those passing thoughts of "Huh? It'd be really cool to have my own platform, somewhere to share the things I know- tips, tricks, whatever it may be" but I never considered blogging a real platform though. 

I started blogging because I wanted a platform, I wanted opportunities, and something new- a change, or a hobby. I used to think I'd start my platform through Instagram but I realized that it's harder to get out there using the mainstream social media apps than just blogging. Before starting my blog, my number one focus was school which is good and all but I never had a real hobby. I knew I liked the beauty world, I always do face masks, skin care, so starting a blog was a way for me to share my tips and tricks in a way that was fun and creative. I also enjoyed lifestyle posts a lot and I'm sort of into fashion so I just made that the base of my blog because those are the things I'm passionate about more than other things. 

I wanted (and still do) want my blog to become something. I'm still in my first month of blogging so I  have a long way to go before getting more exposure and really building my platform. If you're considering making a blog, you definitely should because there's no harm in seeing whether it really is for you or not. 

Beauties on Fire | Collab Introduction

Collab Facebook Group for Bloggers          
Hey everyone! I'm excited to announce that I have joined a collab group for fashion and beauty bloggers called Beauties on Fire! It's a group where we help each other grow and thrive with a fun twist to it as well! Each week we all (and you can too) vote on twitter for the upcoming week's collaboration theme. Just search the hashtag to see each week's poll. You can vote for this week's theme on the twitter poll here. 


Top 3 October Favorites

bath and body works, white barn, candle, roller lash, benefit cosmetics, pineapple, bb cream, makeup, coffee, mascara, necklace, jewelry, aesthetic, flat lay,

October is officially at it's end as we push our skeletons back into the closet and break out our holiday decor and Christmas spirit- my favorite time of year of course. I wanted to make a quick post of the top three things I have been loving this month.