Why I started Blogging & Why You Should

A month ago, I would've never imagined myself being a blogger, nevertheless sticking to it for more than a week and actually starting up a blog and creating social media for it- it never crossed my mind. I'd have those passing thoughts of "Huh? It'd be really cool to have my own platform, somewhere to share the things I know- tips, tricks, whatever it may be" but I never considered blogging a real platform though. 

I started blogging because I wanted a platform, I wanted opportunities, and something new- a change, or a hobby. I used to think I'd start my platform through Instagram but I realized that it's harder to get out there using the mainstream social media apps than just blogging. Before starting my blog, my number one focus was school which is good and all but I never had a real hobby. I knew I liked the beauty world, I always do face masks, skin care, so starting a blog was a way for me to share my tips and tricks in a way that was fun and creative. I also enjoyed lifestyle posts a lot and I'm sort of into fashion so I just made that the base of my blog because those are the things I'm passionate about more than other things. 

I wanted (and still do) want my blog to become something. I'm still in my first month of blogging so I  have a long way to go before getting more exposure and really building my platform. If you're considering making a blog, you definitely should because there's no harm in seeing whether it really is for you or not. 

"Why Should I blog?"

1. You want new life opportunities 

The blogging world is a full of new people, connections, brands, PR  which will all give you those opportunities you desire. Of course it will take experience to get to the big level but the people you meet along the way through networking are so amazing. 

2. You love social media

I figured if you got to this blog post one way or another you are connected through social media and pretty interested in it too. You're probably connected on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all the others social media platforms there are! You can easily make a blog to go along with your social media accounts because by using social media, you're already micro-blogging with your little updates, so experience isn't an issue. 

3. You want to inspire others 

Personally I don't think inspiring others has to do with the type of blog you have. You could be any type of blogger and still inspire others in your own way by what you post. Inspiring others doesn't mean you have to get deep all the time, it can be as little as giving people the thought of
"Hey, that's a good idea, I should try that" 

4. You get to really develop your skills

I started out blogging less than a month ago and now I have learned SO MUCH about the ins and outs of social media, SEO's, HTML, marketing, photoshop, even developing writing skills and the crazy thing is.. I'm not done learning. There is so much you can learn if you really put your heart to it and there's really no end which means if you're passionate and put the time into it, whatever you're doing-you will perfect. 

5. Blogging is a creative outlet

Blogging is actually very therapeutic. Whether you're writing or reading posts, you're doing it based on what you enjoy reading or writing. It's a good way to also take time for yourself and catch up with new trends. ideas, motivational posts - there's everything and anything. You can start a blog about something you're passionate about even if it has nothing to do with your real life. It's YOUR safe space, so feel free to do whatever the heck you want with it!

Overall, I wouldn't trade what I learned this past couple of weeks in blogging for anything. I've met so many amazing people through social media and it's exciting to know that there are so many more experiences I'm yet to have. So definitely start your blog even if you're not 100% sure about it because if you don't like it, you won't waste time wondering whether it's for you and if you do like it well then, you found something you love to do! It's a win-win ;)

If you're a blogger, how long have you been blogging? If not, what would your blogging niche be?

Don't forget to follow me with Bloglovin'


  1. I agree with all, especially #5! Blogging is definitely a creative outlet for me! It is like my own version of therapy where I work out all of the things I am constantly mulling over!

  2. I've been blogging for almost a year now, and kinda like you I really never thought I'd be a blogger. I had passing ideas for things I wanted to say or rant about or try or share but the idea of actually doing it and sticking with it never felt like me, until I decided to start subscription boxes and trying to experiment with makeup and actually feel comfortable presenting my face to the world.

    Being able to write something that you're passionate about, and having someone validate that and say it helped them, or inspired them, or they just relate to it? It's such an unbelievable feeling that you don't really understand that you crave until you start feeling it. I can't really imagine not blogging now.

    1. Honestly, I totally get you! I can't wait to see what blogging has in store for me months from now :)

  3. Everyone keeps telling me to start blogging, but I've never really had the time. This post definitely inspired me, maybe I'll start over the summer. TBH I'd probably just have a blog filled with rants on the randomest things. Maybe no one will read it, but it would be nice to record my train of thought somewhere! :)

    1. You shoullddd! If not for others- for yourself because it's definitely cool to see how your thoughts have changed over time :))

  4. I just started blogging for myself, though I've blogged for my photography business for a few months. Honestly I enjoy my lifestyle blog more than my photography blog, but anyways I love this post!!!

    1. Yes! Lifestyle is definitely much easier to blog about because you can write about things that you've experienced and know how to do

  5. I always recommend starting a blog to college kids who don't have enough credits to start interning but want to have something on their resume. Blogging shows commitment, passion, creativity, intelligence, and your writing skills! Can't beat that.

    1. Wait, really?? I had no idea this qualifies as something you can put on your resumé! I'm definitely going to do that- I'm starting college next fall!

  6. My blog is about a month old, too! I started to have a creative outlet. I love to write and share the things I love so, here we are. I hope, someday, I may be able to make a little cash on the side, too!

    1. A month?? Your blog is really nice for someone only blogging a month! Same, I hope maybe I can make something out of this blog :)

      I gave you a follow on Pinterest :)

  7. #5! YES. I that's exactly why I started blogging. I'm a PR graduate and I've wanted to work in the PR/journalism world since I was 10, so I figured it was a good way to 'break in' and work on my skills. It took about one month for me to get hooked and I have been blogging for six years now!

    1. Yes blogging is such a great opportunity to get into the atmosphere and WOW congrats on SIX years!

  8. I am a stay at home mom and I started blogging because a lot of my friends and associates ask me lots of how do you do it? questions. I have found that it is a great stress reliever too

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